Employee Benefit Packages

The work/life juggle is a struggle for many working parents. And nannies are an increasingly popular childcare choice.

Affordable care Icon for gifting


Once a working family has two or more pre-school age children, the cost of nursery may become prohibitive and therefore a nanny may be a more affordable option.

Achievable care Icon for Gifting


Many nurseries are facing financial difficulties, and places are highly competative. Famalies also often require ad hoc care solutions that we also support.

Flexible Icon for gifting


With flexible working patterns here to stay, parents often need ad hoc or part-time childcare support, such as an after-school nanny or local cover for a particular work event and we can help.

Searches support full or part-time childcare, temporary cover and NannySitting™ for ad hoc needs.

Upon purchase, selected employees are provided with a unique code that automatically recognises them as a full member as soon at they engage with the site.

As site members, they’ll be able to contact all jointly approved nannies and, over time, build a bench of local childcares to call on across the year (and beyond). 

An AoN annual membership is a cost-effective way to support the childcare needs of working parents.

We don’t charge any other placement fees or ongoing commissions.  Our full membership package provides empolyees with unrestricted access to the platform for 12 months.

And you can be sure we’ll look after them: Army of Nannies has made the finals of the UK Nanny Awards three years on the trot.  And we’re the only online search platform to ever make it to the finals.

Next steps

Please get in touch so we can explore how we can help your working  parents.

Contact form

If you’re ready to progress.

Select the package that best suits your needs.   Upon payment, you’ll receive an email that contains the membership links for distribution to your working parents.



Full Memberships

£70.00 exc. VAT per membership



Full Memberships

£65.00 exc. VAT per membership



Full Memberships

£60.00 exc. VAT per membership



Full Memberships

£55.00 exc. VAT per membership


Click here to read the full Army of Nannies Employee Benefit Packages Terms and Conditions.