Helping families & nannies work together
Carefully selected childcare resources for when searching for a nanny or family
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Our AI-powered chat function gathers information from all of our childcare resources to provide site visitors an instant and effective guide.
The chat function is found at the bottom of every page and support famlilies searching for a nanny or nannies searching for a family.

Ready to start searching for a nanny or family?

Have you visited our Diversity Reading Room?
Every children’s book on the shelves has been picked by our community and has a theme of diversity embedded within the core narrative.
Simply click on the book, read the review and click through to purchase with Waterstones – our Children’s bookselling partner.

A book that children will cherish
Incredible Creatures, written and illustrated by Amelia Mullins, is a stunning hardback alphabet book for children of all ages.
We love it so much that we feature the illustrations in our nanny finding ads.
If you’re looking for a gift, we highly recommend this most beautiful of children’s books.
Support for Nanny Agencies
We also support nanny agencies
We provide nanny agencies with a platform to find nannies. Agencies that sign up to Army of Nannies also secure access to our childcare groups across Facebook and LinkedIn.
From London nanny agencies to UK-wide nanny agencies.
To find out more and become to become an approved AoN nanny agency, please send us an email via our contact form: